

Organizing Cart- Backstage Grand Prize Drawing

And the winner is.... Diane.  Congratulations Diane, I hope you love it as much as we do! She was so excited to win this cart at our get together before the On Stage event last week.

Everything you need in one place. Just move it where ever you go!
Print out your own labels for your cart.
 Gather up some little baskets and fill it with all your supplies.
Use this link to download the pages
S&P Recipe:
Wide Stamp Cases (127552)


  1. hello, clicked on and up came...LINK NOT VALID???

    1. When you click on the link it highlights all 3 links as one, try copying just the first line and then pasting it in to your Browser.

  2. I loved attending your back stage class at On Stage. I tried like crazy to win that amazing cart, but I'm happy Diane won it. I took some pictures and I'm trying to duplicate your beautiful cart. Would you mind telling me where you found the little basket in the front that is attached to hold ribbon etc?

  3. Thanks! Try checking a dollar store for those baskets
